Guess how much jewellers in the United States have lost in thefts over the last two decades?


US Jewellery
United States: The New York-based Jewellers’ Security Alliance (JSA) has released a shocking figure on the thefts reported in the jewellery showrooms in the United States in the last two decades. The report states that the jewelers in the US have lost over $2.2 billion in theft cases in the last two decades.

In 2021, the theft cases reported in the US totaled $70, which was down from $83 million in 2020.

The JSA has released the Annual Crime Report 2021 stating that the total number of crimes in the jewellery showrooms across the US increased by 17 percent from 1,483 in 2020 to 1,687 in 2021.

Compared with pre-Covid 2019 the number of crimes was greater, but losses were down from $101m – indicative of more frequent but less costly crimes.

The average loss from an attack on a safe increased from $287,000 in 2020 to $639,000 in 2021.


