Surat: Namita Vankawala Chowdhary, one of the most popular faces of the Tamil television and film industry and successful model active in the Indian film industry, visited the Atmanirbhar Mahila Abhiyan exhibition organized jointly by the Southern Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SGCCI) and the Surti Modh Vanik Samast Panch at Pal on Saturday.
Namita Vankawala, popularly known as the ‘Southern Siren’ is born and brought up in Surat. Namita shifted to Tamil Nadu a long time ago when was launched in the South Indian films as lead actress. At present, Namita is a State Executive member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Tamil Nadu.
Namita lauded the efforts of the SGCCI and the Modh Vanik Samaj for organizing the Aatmanirbhar Mahila exhibition to promote the budding women entrepreneurs in the diamond city.