A few days ago Rs 20 lakh in cash was recovered from near the Bardoli police station. The incident was reported to the Surat Income Tax department.
In the ongoing investigation by Vibhor Badohi, Additional Commissioner of Investigation Wing, it has been revealed that Rs 20 lakh in cash had come from Delhi through Angadia. Earlier, Rs 40 lakh in cash had come similarly from Delhi through the Angadia.
The IT department has started an in-depth investigation into the modus operandi that is going to lift the curtain on the mystery of how much money came from where and who sent it to the district through Angadias.
Meanwhile, the investigation has revealed that Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) candidate from Bardoli, Rajendra Solanki, has admitted in a statement before the police that 20 lakh belong to him. However, ITR verification of Solanki revealed that his return was nil.