DR. Palla Rajeshwar Reddy, MLC, Telangana Government, launched the poster of Telangana’s biggest Educational Fair 2022 in the presence of Dinesh Kumar Gattu, managing director of Apex Educational Services and GB Sharath, core organizing team member.
Telangana Education Fair 2022 is supported by Impact Foundation and Ambitions Consultancy, while Digital Connect is the digital branding and PR Partner and HMTV and Thehansindia is the official media partner.
The Telangana’s Education Fair 2022, to be held at The institution of engineers, Visvesvaraya Bhavan at Khairatabad in Hyderabad, will mark a new phase in many students’ lives and provide a platform for the educational institutions to help them build their future. The education fair will bridge the gap between the students and the institutes.
DR. Palla Rajeshwar Reddy, MLC, Telangana Government, said, “I congratulate Apex Educational Services for organising such an Educational fair for the students. It will go a long way in bridging the gap between the students and the educational institutions in Telangana state.”
The Education Fair will have exhibitors such as Indian Universities, International Universities, and Institutions offering various courses like Medical, Engineering Technology, Pharmacy, Architecture, Management, Aviation, Hospitality, Media, and Animation. Fashion & Interior Designing, Fine Arts, Music, Overseas Education, Employment Agencies & Educational Loan Providers, etc.
Dinesh Kumar Gattu, managing director of Apex Educational Services, said, “This is the 11th Educational fair being organized by Apex Educational Services. The sole mission is to bring students at the doorsteps of educational institutions. There will be spot admissions and interviews at the Educational Fair, giving a fair chance to the students to get spot admissions.”
The Education Fair 2022 will provide a fair chance to the students, including the intermediate students, graduates, Diploma Students, Academicians, Parents & EAMCET/ICET/ECET/ PGECET Exam Appeared Students, to build their future.
The Apex Educational Services has conducted more than 15 Education Fairs with various News Channels across the country in the last decade.
GB Sharath, a core organizing team member, said, “The Educational Fair is for the students and the educational institutions. We aim to bridge the gap between the students and the institutions. Many renowned universities and educational institutions are participating in this event.”
“Our main goal and objective are to bring awareness on different universities, colleges, courses, fees, and their selection procedure,” said a spokesperson of Apex Educational Services. “Apex is authorized by many universities, medical colleges, engineering colleges, and management colleges from different major states of India. Apex is professionally managed by experienced counsellors and staff who conduct their daily activities highly competently.”
Students and parents can attend Telangana’s Education Fair 2022 for FREE. Register at www.apexeduservices.com